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About the disabled mermaid

Welcome to my corner of the internet

I’m kat the disabled mermaid, From a young age, I’ve faced numerous health challenges that have shaped me into the person I am today. My medical story began when I was 6 years old and fell off a bed. This accident led to the diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis and later uveitis, scoliosis, ADD, and dyslexia. All during my elementary years.

While I struggled with medical conditions that substantially limited my abilities, those around me consistently held me to the same standards of an able-bodied child. As the years progressed and I found myself unable to keep pace with my peers and others expectations. i had no understanding that they where holding me to unfair expectations, so the burden of adult disapproval, began to erode my self-esteem. Navigating the educational system proved to be an uphill battle. I faced bullying and misunderstanding during my early years, and as time went on, even educators, family members, and medical professionals struggled to recognize the extent of my challenges. as a result What appeared to some as behavioral issues were in fact the daily struggles brought on by my health conditions.

during my senior year the pressure became to much. that my pediatric doctor declared me medically homebound due to anxiety… not my health conditions. But either way, it granted me the ability to have a teacher come to my house and gave me the ability to graduate.

I ended up starting a part-time job to fill in the time I would have spent in school. i became a certified water safety instructor and found solace and purpose in teaching kids and adults six months and up how to swim.

it felt like the perfect job for me and my conditions, and it was for two years. However, as i saw my health deteriorate. Safety concerns on my end grew. So I made the difficult decision to transition away from this role. I then explored substitute teaching, a path that I eventually also had to relinquish due to the constraints of my health. It was during this period that I began to turn inward, putting my faith in my own intuition and experiences. I stopped internalizing the doubt and negativity that had clouded my self-perception for so long. it became clear that there were additional layers to my health puzzle that went unnoticed. So, In 2018, I took a leap of faith and launched my YouTube channel.

This platform became my online diary in many ways, a place where I could share my personal journey of searching for answers and advocating for myself within the medical labyrinth while also doing my best to extend a hand of support to others who found themselves trapped in their own medical limbo. As my channel grew, so did my belief in my voice. I embraced the understanding that I was more than my conditions, more than the misunderstandings and dismissals I had faced.

My journey had ignited a fire within me, compelling me to speak out against the injustices faced by those who grapple with invisible illnesses. Unfortunately, as my health took a downturn, I had to step back from my YouTube channel. But now, I’m back, fueled by the same determination that has carried me through the years. My commitment to advocacy, awareness, and empowerment remains unwavering. Join me on this journey of resilience, self-discovery, and growth. as i dive deeper into my story and give tips for others in a similar situation. Let’s rewrite the narrative surrounding chronic illness, fostering empathy and understanding.

Together, we can create a community where every voice is heard, every struggle acknowledged, and every triumph celebrated.  

Thank you for being a part of my story.

Warmly, The Disabled Mermaid


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