
The Invisible Boundaries: My Life with Chronic Conditions

  Living with genetic conditions like Dyskeratosis congenita, Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS), and comorbidities like Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS), and Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS) means my world is mostly confined to the four walls of my room. Most days, I navigate a world that moves at a pace dictated not by me, but by […]

Saying Goodbye to Beloved Medical Professionals: Impact and Transition

  Acknowledging the Good     Most of the time, when we talk about medical professionals, we find ourselves discussing the difficulties we face within the medical system. These conversations are understandable and definitely needed. However, today I want to shift the focus to the incredible medical professionals who truly excel in their field. These […]

Silent Echoes: Two year hysterectomy Grief Poem

On this solemn two-year anniversary of my hysterectomy, I offer this heartfelt poem as a tribute to today and the profound journey it represents. ” I never heard you, but I feel you. you never spoke, but i feel you. i never knew you, but i love you.” – the orphan In the quiet echoes […]


a small glimpse into my story   My name is Kat. From a young age, I was diagnosed with one thing after another. Unfortunately, these diagnoses did not explain all my symptoms, leaving most of my health issues undiagnosed. This situation led to abuse through the school and medical systems for most of my life. […]


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Personal Blogger and Digital Product Designer

I'm Kat, a personal blogger and digital product designer. I share insights and stories about living with disabilities, aiming to create a community of understanding and support. Additionally, I design and offer a variety of digital products tailored to make life a little easier and more organized. Thank you for visiting, and I hope you find something that resonates with you! Digital products coming soon!