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Siren Sightings

Welcome to ‘Siren Sightings,’ where my voice echoes across the seas of media and publications. This page is a curated collection of places where my story has been shared, shedding light on the journey of a disabled mermaid navigating the world. Each link below leads to an article, interview, or feature that dives into my life’s challenges and triumphs. Explore these external sightings to discover more about my advocacy, insights, and the waves I’m making in the fight for accessibility and understanding.



Breaking the Surface: My First External Feature

– Featured on Yoocan, this milestone article is my first publication on an external platform. It details the years I spent navigating undiagnosed conditions, highlighting the personal and systemic challenges I faced. This piece marks a significant step in my journey to raise awareness and support others with similar experiences. Dive into the story that started my public advocacy beyond my own social media channels.


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